

Click / press the button to read the final edition of Rockingham’s MALA Messenger, edited by Bronwen Usher.


Vale Rockingham Branch of MALA

The 2023 AGM of Rockingham Branch of Mature Adults Learning Association (Inc) was  held in the Rockingham Community Library on Wednesday 22nd November 2023.

At that meeting a motion to wind up the Branch was put, seconded, and those present voted in favour of the closure of the Branch.  

A sad day, but one tinged with satisfaction in the achievements over 10 years, and pride in the positive outcomes achieved by many Rockingham members who had gone on to further their knowledge, their enjoyment of life, and in some cases the attainment of previously unimagined academic goals!

Congratulations to all who served on the committees and who supported Rockingham Branch of MALA in many other ways over the last decade!

Rockingham residents interested in continuing with the learning and social activities run by MALA are encouraged to regularly consult this MALA website and view programs and events scheduled for Peel or Perth branches of MALA.

All Rockingham residents are warmly invited to participate in any MALA programs that interest them.  Membership is now included in the course or activity enrolment fee, so no separate subscription is required.

For additional information, you may still write to


At a recent MALA Association Management Committee Meeting it was agreed that the residual funds from the wind-up of Rockingham Branch be 'quarantined' until 31st October 2026 in case sufficient Rockingham residents wish to re-establish a Rockingham Branch of MALA.  

Funds are to be held in term deposit until that date, and if not called upon will then be distributed according to the Constitution requirements.